Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

The Passive Causative

B ody A rt

Grammar  in Context

Look at the photos. Which forms of body art do you think are attractive? Read this article from a fashion magazine..

                Each culture has a different ideal of beauty, and throughout the ages, men and women done amazing things to achieve the ideal. They had their hair shaved, cut, colored, straightened, and curled; and they have had their bodies decorated with painting and tattoos. Here are some of today’s many options:              

Hair do

                Getting your hair done is the easiest way to change your appearance. Today, both men and women have their hair permed. This chemical procedure can curl hair or just give it more body. If your hair is long, you can, of course, get it cut. But did you know that you can also have short hair lengthened with hair extensions? Of course you can have your hair colored and become blonde, brunette, or redhead. But you can also have it bleached white or get it dyed blue, green, or orange!


                This form of bady art was created thousands of years ago. Today, tattoos have again become popular. More and more people are having them done. However, caution is necessary. Although you can now get a tattoo removed with less pain and scarring than before, having one applied is still a big decision.

Body Painting
                If a tattoo is not for you, you can have ornaments painted on your skin instead. Some people have necklaces and bracelets painted on their neck and arms or get a butterfly musk applied to their face for a special party.  Unlike a tattoo, these decorations can be washed off.

                Pierced ears are an old favorite, but lately the practice of piercing has expanded. Many people now are getting their noses, lips, or other parts of the body pierced for jewelry. Piercing requires even more caution than tattooing, and aftercare is very important.

  You can get your nose shortened, or have your chin lengthened. You can even have the shape of your body changed. There is always some risk involved, so the decision to have cosmetic surgery requires thought.
                Some ways of changing your appearance may be cheap and temporary. However, others are expensive and permanent. So, think before you act, and don’t let today’s chpice become tomorrow’s regret.

-- By Debra Santana


Check the correct answers.

This article discusses changes people can make to their:
1. hair length           3. eyes                      5. teeth                     7. nose

2. hair color             4. skin                       6. clothing                8. body shape

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